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La escuela regional Bishop Schad agradece a todos nuestros seguidores. Ya sea una donación financiera o el regalo del tiempo a través del voluntariado, nos gustaría decir "gracias".
We recognize and appreciate the following people for all that they do on behalf of Bishop Schad Regional School. Thank you.
Evelyn Vega-Reyes Jen Bello Dina Mancus Mary Camardo
Michele McFarland Carol Polaha Delia Mondragon. Estela Alvarez
Terry Smith Miguel Colon Brooke Sedeyn Beth white
Vivianna Puentes Irany Cani Marcella Giambalvo
Financial Giving
Josephine Walker
Jane Lambert
922 East Landis Avenue
Vineland, New Jersey 08360
Phone: 856.691.4490
Fax: 856.691.5579
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